Thursday, March 31, 2011

Item 91: A Stress Ball

This is a stress ball I had at work. My friend Judy gave it to me. That's Patrick from Sponge Bob Square Pants on the ball. I've never used this; not because there hasn't been any stress but because I typically sit at my desk and sigh when I'm stressed. When I realize I've been sighing a lot I laugh at myself and move on. Squeezing a little ball doesn't make me laugh.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Item 90: A Teeny Tiny Basket

For about ten years I was a member of the LBCC: the Longaberger Basket Collectors Cult. Yes, Cult not Club. You know the economy is humming along nicely when women don't give a second thought to spending $50-$100 or more for a basket and absolutely MUST have the liner and protector for each. Talk about marketing genius: those Longaberger folks have it!
Fortunately I've broken free of the cult. But while in it I bought 30 or more baskets of all sizes. This is a replica of a Longaberger basket. I had it on my desk at work. It was sort of a catch all. Mostly it was a dust collector.

Item 89: A mug

Remember Item 10 the Canon Sure Shot camera? I bought that when we visited St. Marten. I bought this mug on that trip too. I used it as my tea mug at work for quite a few years. Then I decided to use it only as a decoration because I received another mug that I used for my tea. Since it has only been a dust collector for years, I've decided to get rid of it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Item 88: The Book of Gnomes

Four years ago I started an herb garden. The garden is a small plot just outside the back door of our garage. It's a simple little plot but it brings me a lot of pleasure. Dave helped me set it up (dug up the dirt, added compost, put up a chicken wire fence to keep the critters out).
Here's a photo from last year's garden. This photo was taken fairly early in the season. By the end of the summer the plants are usually quite large and run into each other.

Do you see Jerome the gnome in the photo? Meghan gave him to me as a gift. Nicole gave me a gnome too. It came with this book. I've had the gnome Nicole gave me at work. He's been guarding my office plants. I decided to bring him home and will place him in the herb garden this year. I had the book at work too but I've decided to give that away so someone else can learn the mystery of gnomes. I need to come up with a name for this second gnome. Any suggestions?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Item 87: Pocket Praise Note Cards

Because it's nice to receive feedback from your boss more than once a year.

These are notecards I bought when I was working in management. I'd give one to a member of my staff whenhe or she developed a creative solution to a problem, suggested a more efficient way to do something or did something above and beyond. The giving of these cards was a simple gesture but it carried a lot of weight. Every time I gave one of these cards to someone they couldn't thank me enough. You'd think I had just given them a $500 bonus or a vacation day. The reaction to these cards is living proof of the fact that money isn't the only or perhaps not even the best motivator.

People want to be recognized and appreciated. My staff members had the cards I gave them hanging on the walls of their cubicles. That was nice. For them and for me.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Item 86: A multi-purpose item of clothing

It's a scarf! It's a shawl! It's a top! It's many other things but I don't remember all of them!

This was a gift from a former co-worker. I think she gave it to me for Christmas. You may not be able to tell from the photo but this item is a tube-like garment that can be stretched and pulled in many directions. Since I'm not particularly creative in the fashion department and definitely not able to visualize things (ask my husband or daughter how long it takes me to assemble an Ikea item that only has three pieces) I've only worn this as a scarf and it has been in the coat closet for years. I'm sure there's a good home for it out there somewhere.

Item 85: A Mary Tyler Moore hat

That's what one of my former co-workers used to call this style of hat. I have a charcoal gray version of this hat. Several years ago I decided it was getting old so I better find a replacement for it soon. Of course Lands End didn't have the exact same hat as my gray one but this one seemed to be close. It arrived, I wore it once or twice, it has been in the closet ever since. It's too big. I don't like the way it fits. Why didn't I send it back to Lands End? I don't know. It's like new so hopefully someone else will want it and enjoy wearing it.

Item 84: A Sporting Clay

I grew up in a family of non-hunters. Apparently we were gatherers.

I was never exposed to guns. For all of you who believe NJ is the wild west in terms of violence that may be hard to believe but it's true. I never saw a gun until I moved to PA when I was in my early 30's. We moved here Labor Day weekend. The first Monday after Thanksgiving when the kids were home from school, I asked my neighbor why the schools were closed. She told me it's because it was the first day of hunting season. I laughed and asked again why the schools were closed. She repeated her first response. Oh. Really? Gulp.

Sometime later that week, (three year old) Meghan and I went to our local KMart to purchase something (which I likely didn't find because I never find what I want at KMart but that's another story). When we were in the parking lot a station wagon pulled in with a deer tied to the roof. Blood from the deer was running down the side of the vehicle. I looked at Meghan and said "We're not in Kansas anymore".

Fast forward 23 years. My company hosts a customer appreciation day each year. We transport our customers to Pintail Point on Maryland's eastern shore for a day of shooting, fishing, golfing or shopping and lunching. Last year, to challenge myself, I decided to sign up for the shooting event. I was a nervous wreck about it but I get seasick so didn't want to fish; I stink at golf and didn't want to embarrass myself and also annoy the serious golfers in the group and I wanted to do something other than shop and eat.

One of our customers owns a gun shop. He brought some extra guns for the non-hunters among us. I have no memory of the type of gun I had. Was it a rifle? A shotgun? Who the heck knows? All I know is I trembled the entire morning. I had no idea what I was doing and was afraid I'd hurt someone. The gun shop owner was in my group. He was a kind, patient man and taught me how to use the gun, how to aim it, and how to handle it safely. The morning's shooting session lasted about two hours. I don't recall if I hit any clays. If I did it was pure luck. We returned to the 'lodge' for lunch. I was still a nervous wreck and had difficulty eating. It's hard to swallow when you have a lump in your throat. I spent the entire lunch hour talking myself into and out of going back out to shoot. I DID NOT want to go back out there with that gun. But it was a customer event, I was a 'host' and I had committed myself to the event so I put my big girl pants on and went back out there.

I'm glad I did. Sometime during the first hour of the afternoon I relaxed and settled into the routine of taking my turn at shooting clays. I even hit a few! By the end of the afternoon I was hitting them somewhat regularly. At the last spot (hole, venue, what the heck do they call it?) we were allowed to take as many shots as we wanted. I hit quite a few and it was fun. I hit more clays at that hole than one of my co-workers who has hunted all of his life. He got aggravated watching me and eventually asked to borrow my gun. I guess he thought it was a magical gun because certainly I couldn't have acquired shooting skills so quickly. I think he wanted to use my gun so he could hit a few clays and save his manly ego.

This clay is a souvenir from that day. Our guide gave it to me because I'd made so much progress during the day. I'm glad I did it but I hope I never have to handle a gun again.

Item 83: Two pairs of slacks

More slacks I no longer wear. It's amazing how hard it is to admit to myself that I won't wear something at some point in the future and I should get rid of it. These made the first cut. They're not making this one.

Item 82: Unmentionables

Forgive me for mentioning the unmentionable. But do you see how the fabric of these bras is all puckered? Imagine how that looks under clothing? It makes you look and feel deformed! I've had them for years, I never wear them and they haven't magically improved while living in my lingerie drawer.

PS: remember when underwear was UNDER your wear? Now we see bra straps, thong straps and male butts peeking out from pants that are belted below the buttocks. Unbelievable.

I'm back!

I had a good time visiting my parents in Florida. They're both doing well considering they're 79 and 80 years old. It was a relaxing few days during which I enjoyed beautiful, sunny weather with temps in the mid 80's during the day and low 60's overnight. I swam in their community pool, we went to the beach, took walks and had a few meals out (including Conchy Joe's and Frank and Steins). I can't leave Florida before hitting those two spots!

Kim, my niece who lives in Orlando, was able to come for an overnight visit Friday night. It was good to see her, her boyfriend Jay and Jada, her 75 pound dog. We and Jada caused quite a stir in the community when we took her for a walk yesterday morning! First of all who are those 'young' people and why is that beast of a dog here in our midst? Haha!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A message

Hello! I'm out of town for the next few days so there won't be any posts. I'll be in Florida visiting my parents at Boca Del Vista (see the Seinfeld episode about Jerry's parents place in Florida). :-)

I suspect there won't be internet access available so I'm leaving most of my electronics behind. I'll have my iPod with me so I can study my French and I'll have my phone but otherwise I'm leaving the technological world behind. I'll catch up on posts on Sunday. Have a great rest of the week!

Here's a photo of Jensen Beach where I hope to be relaxing on Thursday and Friday morning.

Item 81: Two toy car banks

In the mid-'90's I worked as a Commercial Lines Underwriter for the Continental Insurance Corporation. I was in the York, PA office.

Continental was a great company. They invested in their employees providing many educational opportunities which lead to promotional opportunities. We worked hard but had a lot of fun too. I think we might have had 'food days' at least once a month. These were impromptu parties of sorts. Typically someone would say "hey, it's time for a food day" and by the end of that day we'd have it organized with assignments divvied up. When the company was going belly up (thanks to Hurricanes Hugo and Iniki and an unfortunately low reinsurance treaty limit) we had quite a few food days. Those days are what kept us sane as we toiled away at a workload that used to be handled by a staff at least twice as large as it was when we sang our swan song. CNA bought us and things were never the same. All good things must come to an end. Sigh.

These banks were sold by our employee club. I think they used the proceeds to fund our company picnics and Christmas parties. I've had these banks at work. It occurred to me as I work through this 100 in 100 process that I have quite a few things in my office that have been collected over the years.

What exactly will I do with them when I retire? Set up a shrine to my working life? I think not. Eventually we plan to downsize the house and yard. I think there's a good chance there won't be room in the house for my working life shrine. These banks are out of here!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Item 80: A Cylo Statue!

This is Cylo. He's the mascot for our local baseball team. Our team is known as the Barnstormers; they're in the Atlantic League. The league isn't affiliated with MLB. Many of the players are on their way up to the major league or they're on their way down from it.

Cylo is a cow. His name is a play on a Silo. Get it?! I'm not keen on the name that was chosen for the team but I love the name of our mascot and I love him too!

This statue was given to us (10 game season ticket holders since year one!) when the Barnstormers won the League Championship. At one time Cylo was holding a baseball. Unfortunately I dropped Cylo and the ball broke.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Item 79: A portable fan

This was Meghan's. I think we bought it for her dorm room. She graduated from college in 2006. She moved out of our house in 2007. We have never used this fan. It's cute though, very tropical.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Item 78: More clothing!

What goes on in my head? Why do I have so many articles of clothing that I never wear? Why do I keep things I no longer like? Why do I buy things that aren't me? Why do I think I'll wear them?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Item 77: Costume jewelry

I don't wear much jewelry.

My jewelry is simple and classic: small earrings, pendant necklaces, a string of pearls, watches.

It has been years since I've worn any of the items pictured here.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Item 76: Laundry products

I handle the washing and drying. Dave handles the ironing. We don't use fabric softener. We hang laundry outside (all year round) so we get that fresh laundry smell naturally rather than chemically. These products are samples that were included with our washing machine when we bought it and you've probably already guessed the next comment: we bought our washing machine several years ago. Even though we don't use fabric softeners I kept these packets. It's so hard to discard things when they have a purpose in life. It feels wasteful. However, I will try not to do that in the future. If I don't use it, want it or need it I MUST get rid of it immediately.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Item 75: The pantyhose club card

I was 30% of the way to my free pair of pantyhose when I gave up on the club.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Item 74: Key rings

These are misc key rings. One is a little flashlight. That's cool but if you keep it in a little basket on your bedroom dresser it doesn't do much good. The key-shaped object with the chain is from that old purse the shoemaker ruined. The key says "Fossil" on it. It adorned the purse. I never used this adornment but for some reason I kept it for over ten years. Sigh.

The colorful keyring was a gift from my friend Tim. He brought it back from Ireland for me. Tim is number five of six children. I'm number two of six children. Both families are Irish Catholics. Years ago we decided we had the "same" father. His Dad did and said many of the things my Dad said and did. It must be genetic! In 1994 we were in Chicago together where we both were celebrating the completion of a professional designation. While there, Tim, Dave and I went to the Second City Comedy Club to see a show. They performed a skit that was hilarious and had Tim and me in tears. It was about the antics of a large family. It was my family; it was his family; it was every large, Catholic family.

I don't have any details about the other items. Gosh they meant a lot to me. I'm sure glad I've kept them.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Item 73: VW Paraphernalia

These are some things from my old car(s). Too bad I didn't find these before I sold the car(s); the new owner(s) probably would have liked to have them.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Putting things in perspective

Recent earthquakes, tsunamis and nuclear disasters put things in perspective don't they?

Those poor people now need the basics: food, clothing, shelter and safety. What do we need? Can we live without most of the trappings of our lives? Recent disasters are telling us something.

Perhaps we don't need an unlimited supply of stuff. Clean out your closets and donate the items. Instead of buying a new spring wardrobe, live with what you have for the next season. Send the money you would have spent to an organization that is helping the needy. That organization could be in the US or somewhere else around the world.

We don't need more stuff. Others need basics. Let's help each other.

Item 72: Cans of paint

Cans of paint are multiplying in our basement. I take cans of paint to the hazardous waste disposal place at least once a year. But we don't paint once a year so from where are these cans coming? Some of these cans are identifiable; others not. I tell myself to label them. I'm not good about following my own instructions hence the un-identifiability (wow is that a word?) of many of these.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Item 71: Belts

These are belts I haven't worn in years and they've been cluttering up one of my dresser drawers. I have three belts that I use regularly. I have one or two others that I wear occasionally. Don't need any others.

Friday, March 11, 2011

A flood!

Oh my goodness. We had a flood in our basement earlier today. When I got home from work the 100 in 100 items were surrounded by water. I don't have a photo because my first instinct wasn't 'grab the camera'. It was 'check the sump pump and start moving this water out of here'.

The ironic thing: this afternoon a co-worker and I were talking about all of the rain and flooding and I mentioned we haven't had water in our basement in at least 10 years. Little did I know. Fortunately we have an unfinished basement.

Mainly our basement is a location for the following: Dave's model train set-up (takes up nearly half the basement), storage of crap (another third of the basement) and misc items such as a freezer, Dave's work bench, my workout area, the wrapping center (remember that post?) and our 'wine cellar' which is comprised of two boxes laying on their side with bottles in them. At any given time we might have 12 bottles of wine down there. We also have the 33 rpm record collection; Dave's computer set up which he uses to digitize the albums and we also have various prints and paintings which aren't currently in the rotation on the walls.

I'm telling you: it's a mess down there. It's a mess without water. Add water and it's a nightmare. Sigh. Fortunately we know we're in a town with underground springs so we have 95% of the stuff on pallets so most of it is safe and dry. The sump pump is pumping away. The fans are blowing and once the puddles of water are gone we'll turn on the dehumidifier.

If only we could get rid of the crap. It would be very easy to clean up the water down there. Someday. I can dream right?

Item 70: A hanger

I have an extreme dislike for this hanger. It's quite irrational but true. It has been hanging in the guest room closet for years and it bugs me every time I see it. I don't know why this wasn't item #1!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Item 69: A sponge-painted bird

This was Meghan's. At one time she had her room sponge-painted. Remember when that was the rage? We bought this bird from someone who lives on South Broad Street. The man who made it had a bunch of birds outside on the sidewalk one day. This is one of those purchases I made for my child because she fell in love with something and just couldn't live without it.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Item 68: Pantyhose and knee highs

Many, many moons ago I wore pantyhose with skirts and dresses for work. I wore knee highs with my slacks. One day I woke up and decided I didn't want to do that anymore. Pantyhose are implements of torture. I'm telling you, those waistbands are ridiculously tight. I'm not sure if the waistband of pantyhose is more uncomfortable than those clippy things on garter belts that we used to hold our stockings up. You had to sit on them! Really? But at least the garter belt wasn't a girdle our Moms had to wear. And remember fishnet stockings? You'd have an indentation from the fishnet on your foot or leg from the pressure of the fabric. Good Lord what were we thinking? And knee high stockings? They didn't keep my feet warm. They wore out quickly and it was ridiculously expensive to keep myself well supplied with pantyhose and knee highs that didn't have snags or runs in them. I even had a pantyhose club card from the local department store. Buy 10 pair get the 11th free!

Enough I say! No more pantyhose. Actually, I still occasionally wear them because I don't like to go to formal events with bare legs. When Nicole got married Meghan was in her wedding party. I insisted we buy Meghan a pair of pantyhose for the event. She wasn't happy about it. When we got to the wedding venue and were getting dressed, none of the other bridesmaids were wearing pantyhose. Neither was the bride. I told Meghan "ok, you're off the hook". She took the pantyhose off and gave me an "I told you so" look. Bare legs are the new formal wear.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Item 67: Wool socks

Five pairs of wool socks that have been worn at most several times each. I'm not sure how it happened but I have many more pairs of wool socks than I need.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Item 66: Two slipcovers

Ok, I agree this isn't the most beautiful presentation of these items. Sorry. Take my word for it: there are two slipcovers here. One for a love seat and one for a chair. We used them for several years but then decided to have the furniture reupholstered. These covers have been in the closet for at least five years. They're in excellent condition and could make a big difference in the appearance of furniture at a college frat house. :-)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Item 65: An old bedspread

This bedspread is at least 20 years old. Dave had it before we were married and that has been 19 years. We used it on and off for a couple of years but it has been in the closet for a very long time. I like the pattern but I don't like the fabric; it's yucky polyester.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Item 64: Shells from Sanibel, Florida

These shells belonged to Doris. They too came to our house when she moved out of her condo. These shells are from Sanibel Island. She went to Sanibel for 6-8 weeks every winter for quite a few years. We visited her at her place one year while she was there. My parents lived in Cape Coral at the time. We went over to Sanibel for a later afternoon/dinner visit. Let's just say we all have a memory of that visit and it isn't good. We had a breakdown in communication that resulted in the three adults being upset and the two kids wondering what the heck happened.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Item 63: A Collage Photo Frame

This belonged to Doris. We've had it in our closet for about 12 years. She gave it to us with some other things when she moved from her condo to the retirement community when she married Dick. I had completely forgotten about this and don't have a use for it.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Item 62: A PDA

Another electronic dinosaur. I bought this PDA three years ago when I changed jobs. At my old job I had a blackberry-like phone so I was able to use it for email, contacts and as a phone. When I started my current job I was given a company cell phone, for which I was grateful. However, I had grown accustomed to using a digital calendar and contacts etc. So I bought this baby. About a year later, tired of having two devices, I asked our IT guy if I could have a new blackberry-like phone. He agreed and gave me one. This device was used for only one year. With all of the new phones (3G, 4G, 5XYZ...) I doubt there will be much of a market for this object but I'll give it whirl and try to sell it at our garage sale.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Item 61: A votive candle holder

This was a gift from Meghan. It has the fleur de lis pattern on it. Tres jolie. Mais je n'utilise pas les luminiers. (But I don't use candles) and have never used this one.
Sorry honey; I like it but it doesn't make sense for me to keep it if I'm not going to use it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Item 60: A book and book marker

This book and book marker were a gift from a friend. I love the colors. They are the sea. I read the book and enjoyed it. I hope to pass both items on to someone else for their enjoyment.