Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Item 11: two bags of sand

Not just any sand.  Sand from the Hawaiian islands!  Oahu and Kauai to be exact.  We visited Hawaii in September, 2007.  I had been President of my local CPCU chapter (a professional insurance organization) the prior year.  The Chapter pays $1,000 towards the President's trip to the annual convention.  Lucky me: the convention was in Hawaii my year!

So Dave and I went to Hawaii.  We stayed at the Honolulu Hilton for about a week.  While there I attended two insurance convention sessions (I know I'm a geek but I felt guilty not attending any since the Chapter paid part of my freight).  We left Oahu for several days on Kauai.  The last leg of our trip took us to Seattle for a few days before heading home.

Back to the sand.  I took a bag of sand from a beach on Oahu and one from a beach on Kauai.  I think Dave gave me a hard time about taking it.  Something along the lines of the Gods will be unhappy if you take the sand away from here.  I'm not a fan of flying and don't need any additional reasons to worry about my flights.  But I had in my head that I'd start a collection of sand (really) from the various beached I've visited. Tthis is one of those ideas that seem good at the time but never translate into reality.  I took the sand and even though we hurtled through space at 500 miles per hour in a metal vehicle, we made it home safely.  I presume the sand Gods were ok with me taking this sand.

Since my "Sand Collection" hasn't materialized, Dave plans to use this sand in our vegetable garden.  To aerate the ground or some other such purpose.  I hope the Hawaiian sand Gods like our vegetable garden and help it grow.

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