Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Item 12: an inspirational print

For nearly eight years, I worked at a young, growing company.  We hired many recent college graduates for our entry level positions.  Many of these grads seemed to think they would be 'given' all opportunities and would be kings of the universe in a matter of a year or two.   I was the Education Coordinator in addition to being a member of management and was responsible for the professional development of these young folks.  It was exciting for a time but when the hiring/training door is a revolving door it gets a little old.  I left the company nearly three years ago and haven't looked back.  I still work with the company but from the outside.  And that door is still revolving so my decision was definitely a good one.  

Ok, here's the story of the inspirational photo/print.  One summer, my daughter and I took a trip to Charlestown, SC.  Heed these words:  DO NOT go to Charlestown, SC in the summer!  My God it's hot and humid there during the summer.  Along the waterfront, there was a house that had this sculpture perched on the roof.  It caught my fancy and I took many shots of it.  At a later date, I stumbled on the saying:  Don't wait for your ship to come in.  Swim out to meet it.  I thought of photos of the sculpture and decided to try to put the two together.

My daughter was in college at the time.  Lucky for me she is an artist and had access to the technology to marry the photo and slogan into one.  The frame is an off the shelf item.  Not great but it looked nautical to me and was the correct size so I bought it.  I hung this print on the wall outside of my office.  I have no idea if any of my young charges ever looked at it and thought about it but I'd like to think it had an impact on someone.

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