I took Home Economics in high school. That last sentence tells you how old I am. They don't call it Home Ec anymore. Last I heard it was referred to as Consumer Economics but for all I know they don't even offer it as a subject anymore.
Anyway, as part of Home Ec we learned to sew. I own a sewing machine and have made various items over the years. A simple pair of curtains. Some place mats. Repairs to items of clothing. Last year I bought old, wool sweaters, felted the wool, cut it and made several pairs of wool mittens lined with fleece. I've seen similar mittens in retail stores priced at $35 or more. I probably made them for $5 a pair.
While I was making these mittens my sewing machine went on the fritz. I live in Amish/Mennonite Country so lots of ladies sew and there are many sewing machine stores and repair shops. I took my simple, 30 year old, portable Brother sewing machine to a local shop. The lady there was mean to me. She was annoyed that I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my machine. I suppose she was also annoyed I wasn't interested in buying one of her fancy, new fangled, computer operated machines. I don't sew that often and wanted this machine to work when I needed it. She fixed it very quickly and didn't charge me for it so for that I am thankful. But she could have been nicer about it. Again a digression but it gives you an idea of how often and what I sew and what I know about my machine.
Back to Item 7. There's a receipt in the bag with item 7. I bought this pattern and fabric on sale in September, 2003. At the time I thought I would make a Halloween costume so that I would have one available the time every ten years or so I go to a costume party. It has been seven years and nothing has been done with it. (That costume party is right around the corner...I only have three years to get ready!)
Why do I think I will make a costume and actually wear it out in public? Here you go: some black fabric and a pattern for a witch or sorcerer or fairy princess-like costume. (The fabric is black but for some reason it looks brown in this photo.)
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